Treasurer’s Report of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club February 2019

The February Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:00 pm on February 18, 2019 by Jimmie Lowrey Club President.

Steve Rutherford Club Secretary reported the Minutes were printed on the Club Website. Art Sellers W3TZ made a Motion to approve the Minutes as Posted, motion was seconded by Eric Willke KG5WOY and approved Unanimously.

John Annis Club Treasurer Presented the Treasurers Report for February 2019 as follows:

Beginning Balance $5,232.56

Cash Receipts: $ 831.04

Dues $325.00

50/50 $108.00

Raffles $45.00

Amazon Smile $7.34

Reimbursable Expenses: $115.00

Cash Paid Out: $2,793.98

Repeater Electric $43.00

Tower Rental $100.00

Domain Renewal $15.99

Hamfest Door Prizes $2,500

Outgoing QSL -ARRL $115.00

Operating & General Expenses $19.99


Old Business: NONE

New Business:Jim Darrough KI7AY, reported that there was now a Digi Repeater on Cavanal, Frequency 144.390, also wanting to put one on Mt. Magazine.

Wayne Johnson announced that Sebastian County has a New Emergency Manager , it is Kendall Beam. Wayne also reported that the Repeater Committee would need help on Sealing the Wasps out of the Repeater Site on Cavanal.

Steve Rutherford WC5SR reported on the testing the previous weekend: we have 2 new Technicians, 1 Tech upgraded to General and 1 General upgraded to Extra. Next Testing will be at the Hamfest.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting, Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford, Club Secretary.