Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club June 2019
The June 2019 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:00 pm by Jim Weaver KM5YV Club Vice-President.
The Minutes from the April Meeting were printed on the Website (We didn’t have a meeting in May). Motion by Art Sellers W3TZ to Approve the Minutes as Printed on Website, Seconded by Randy Cooley K5UTM, Motion was approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by John Annis WO0OOO, Club Treasurer, April Beginning Balance of $2,825.33, Ending Balance of $5,729.33. May Beginning Balance of $5,729.33 and Ending Balance of $5,254.32. Motion by Jim Darrough KI7AY to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Seconded by David McDonald AB5SG, Motion was approved unanimously.
REPEATER REPORT – Rory Bowers K5CKS said everything is working fine on the Repeaters.
OLD BUSINESS – Nothing to Report
NEW BUSINESS – David McDonald advised they will be installing a Repeater at the EOC to be used during Severe Weather.
FIELD DAY – This year Members will be participating from their residences.
50-50 DRAWING – Won by Jim Darrough – he donated the winnings to the Club.
Mike Darrough K5JMB made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Motion was approved unanimously. Meeting Adjourned @ 7:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Steve Rutherford, Club Secretary, WC5SR