Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club May 2018
Minutes for May 2018 FSAARC Meeting
The Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting for May 21, 2018 was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Vice President Jim Darrough KI7AY. The meeting took place at the Ft. Smith Museum of History. The treasurer’s report was given by Cathy Haugh KF5UYT. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Joe Stokes K5JPS and was seconded by Randy Pugh AA5OA. Batteries for the repeater were purchased on behalf of the club by Dennis Robinson KD5OHT and John Samuels suggested the club members thank Dennis with a round of applause! Wayne Johnson W5OFN thanked those members who recently helped at the repeater site. Club members were encouraged to make use of the 444.300 Mhz repeater which is up and running.
KI7AY indicated that the recent club picnic was a success!
Field Day preparations are being discussed for June 23-24 2018. We had approximately 6 members who plan on being active for Field Day. Field Day is set for Bell Park in Greenwood. The club will not have the main pavilion this year. KF5UYT asked for receipts for expenses related to FD be submitted to her if you wish to be reimbursed. Charles Floyd W5JE indicated that he has some equipment for FD but will need to have some help getting the materials to the site. Jim Roughly K5JUC indicated that CW will be represented at FD as well. He also stated that the radio exhibit at the Museum has articles and information for the Ft. Smith area for the last 60-70 years or so. K5JUC was involved in radio in this area. Further planning will be made and discussed for FD at the next meeting.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion to adjourn the meeting and which was seconded by Jim Weaver KM5YV. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
This month’s minutes respectfully submitted by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX in the absence of our secretary Steve Rutherford WC5SR. Hope you are on the mend, my friend!