Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club March 2018
The March 2018 Meeting of the Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:02 PM on March 19, 2018 by Club President Jimmie Lowrey W5JM.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Secretary advised that the Minutes from the February Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Joel Goldstein K5GOL made a Motion to approve them as Posted, seconded by Joe Stoke K5JPS, the Minutes were approved Unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Club Treasurer’s Report
Balance Forward $5535.35
Donations 42.00
Dues Paid 200.00
Hamfest 55.00
NEW BALANCE $5,832.00
Bills Paid
Steve Rutherford (Testing Paid For 30.00
Mike Cole (Banquet Frames) 56.00
Associated Radio (Hamfest) 2,489.90
Mercer (Liability Insurance) 320.00
Mercer (Equipment Insurance) 273.00
Electric for Repeater Site 42.00
Motion by Art Sellers W3TZ to approve the Treasurers Report as Presented, seconded by Mike Cole W5TMC, Motion was APPROVED Unanimously.
Mike Cole W5TMC gave an UPDATE on the HAMFEST, Set-up @ 10:00 AM Friday, anyone who hasn’t set up on Friday, will be set up @ 7:00 AM Saturday Morning, the HAMFEST will open @ 8:00 AM on Saturday Morning. We will need help Friday setting up the Tables and Chairs and on Saturday will need help with PARKING and help with talking people in on the RADIO. Food will be available at the HAMFEST.
The Spring Picnic was discussed will probably be in EARLY MAY.
Discussion was held on Problems with the Website, John Annis WO0OOO said if you were having trouble logging in or other problems he would be around after the Meeting and to get with him.
Mike Bell K5JMB, made a Motion to Adjourn the Business Session, the Motion was approved Unanimously and the Meetiing was Dismissed.
A Presentation was given on FT8 use.
Respectfully Submitted.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary
Jimmie Lowery’s call should be W5JNL not W5JM