Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club January 2020
The January 2020 meeting of the FSAARC was called to order @ 7:01 pm by Rory Bowers K5CKS Club President.
The Minutes of the December Meeting were posted on the Clubs website, Motion by David Overton K5DFO to approve the Minutes as Posted, seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY, Motion was approved Unanimously.
John Annis Club Treasurer WO0OOO presented the Financial Reports for both November and December, Jim Darrough KI7AY made a Motion to approve the Reports as presented, Wayne Johnson Seconded the Motion and it was approved Unanimously.
REPEATER REPORT: Everything is working as it should be Motion by Art Sellers W3TZ to approve this report, seconded by Joel Goldstein W5GOL, Motion was approved Unanimously.
HAMFEST REPORT: Jim Darrough reported that at this time the only Dealer that has confirmed their attendance is ASSOCIATED RADIO, the DATE for the HAMFEST will be APRIL 4th, with set-up on APRIL 3rd. Fat Man BBQ from Spiro will set up to have Food available both for Breakfast and also for Lunch. The HAMFEST will be held this year at the EMERGENCY STORM SHELTER @ Ben Geren Park on Zero Street. The PRIZES for the HAMFEST were discussed and a Decision will be made later on the Purchase of them.
OLD BUSINESS: The Sycamore Repeater was discussed and the Club Officers are attempting to get approval to be able to get into the location and check the functioning of that Repeater.
NEW BUSINESS: A Motion was made by David OvertonK5DFO to spend $2,500.00 on the PRIZES for the Hamfest, motion was Seconded by Jim Darrough KI71Y, Motion was APPROVED. The cost for tickets for the HAMFEST was then discussed, after discussion Jim Darrough KI7AY made a motion that the ADMISSION TICKETS would be $5.00 per person and TICKETS for the Prize Drawings would be $1.00 each with a bonus for every 5 Tickets that each person purchases. This Motion was Seconded by Erik Wilke, this Motion Passed.
A Request from Travis Cooper for the FSAARC’s assistance with them having an intern for the Summer Months which would be paid for by a Company in Ft Smith, was TABLED to allow for an Attorney to look this over.
A Motion was then made to ADJOURN the Meeting and Passed. The Meeting was adjourned @ 7:53 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford WC5SR Club Secretary.