Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club February 2020

The February 2020 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:01 pm on 2-17-2020.

The Minutes for the January Meeting were Posted on the Clubs Website, a Motion was made by Jim Darrough KI7AY, Motion was seconded by David McDonald AB5SA, Motion was approved unanimously.

John Annis WO0OOO, Club Treasurer presented the Financial Report for the Club.  We had a Beginning Balance of $5,452.21 with an Ending Balance of $5,703.67.   Motion made by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY and approved unanimously.

Rory Bowers gave the Repeater Report, everything is functioning as needed.  Rory is going to write a letter of Authorization for Mac McDonald to use the Club Repeater as needed for ARES functions. 

Jim Darrough gave a Report on the HAMFEST, listing the Prizes that will be given away.  The GRAND PRIZE will be an ICOM 7300, with at least 2 other Radios and other gifts.  Other prizes will be coming in also.  Admission will be $5.00.  After a discussion on the Hamfest which will be on April 4th this year at the Storm Shelter Building at Ben Geren Park, no further Business was discussed.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, which was approved unanimously.

Steve Rutherford, WC5SR, Club Secretary