Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club July 2017

The July 2017 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mike Cole W5TMC, Club President.

The Minutes from the June Meeting was printed on the Club Website, Jim Darrough KI7AY made a motion that the minutes be approved, Joe Stokes K5JPS, seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously.

Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer submitted the Treasurers report

FSAARC Treasurer Report
June Balance Forward      $5,503.56
  Deposits:  Donations   $82.00
  Membership $25.00
Subtotal $5,710.56
Bills Due/Paid    
   Wayne Johnson (Gas) $30.00
  Mike Field Day $42.50
  Rory Shipping part to ABCOM $13.75
  AARL Membership for KG5SRQ $34.00
  ARCOM Repair for Repeater Parts $101.03
  Repeater Electric (autodraft) $44.00
Closing Balance   $5,445.28


Motion to approve by Jim Darrough KI7AY, seconded by Jerry Scarlett AJ5U, Motion was approved unanimously.

Repeater Committee

  1. Wayne Johnson W5OFN presented the Repeater Report:  A copperhead WAS in the building but apparently, now it has left the building.  Rory reported that the Repeater is back up working correctly at this point, there is some maintenance that needs to be done, wires on the tower need to be reattached, the grass needs to be cut.  Also was discussed putting Air Conditioning in the Repeater Building.
  2. A motion was made to move the Fusion Computer up to the Repeater Site to have a Trial in October, the motion was made by Jim Darrough KI7AY and seconded by Jim Weaver KM5YV, the motion was approved unanimously.

Old Business

  1. John Annis WO0OOO, reported on the Website, it is up and running, going to update the Club Membership List, if anyone has questions please contact John.
  2. Field Day,  there were 650 CW Contacts made at Field Day and less than 150 SSB Contacts.

New Business

  1. AB5SG Mac McDonald is looking for additional ARES members please contact Mac if you are interested.
  2. Royce Rainwater KE5TC mentioned that they are looking for Queen Wilhelmina Hamfest Committee Members if you are interested please send an email to W5TMC.
  3. Doug Kinslow, Mayor of Greenwood, Ar presented a Proclamation that was signed on June 24, 2017, to Publicly Recognize AMATEUR RADIO, Mr. Kinslow read the Proclamation and presented it to the Club. 
  4. Jim Weaver KM5YV presented information that he had received from the Arkansas Department of Finance concerning the drawings that have been held for radios by the Club.  The information was discussed and it was decided to continue this until our next meeting.  Mike Cole W5TMC made a motion to continue, it was seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
  5. Jerry Scarlett AJ5U shared information about an upcoming Hamfest in Shreveport, La on August 21-22.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion to adjourn, it was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Treasurer