Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club June 2020
The June Meeting of the FSAARC was held on June 15, 2020 via ZOOM on the Computer. Rory Bowers Club President K5CKS called the Meeting to order @ 7:00 PM, there were 10 Members On Line.
Minutes from Last Meeting were published on Website.
John Annis, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report with an Ending Balance of $2392.66, Motion was made by Joel Goldstein and seconded by Jim Weaver, motion was approved.
Rory gave a Repeater Report.
Old Business: NONE
New Business: Field Day was discussed and no Positive Response about who would be there. Rule Changes for Home Stations were discussed, for this year, they can be found on the ARRL Website.
K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting and it was approved.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford WC5SR FSAARC Club Secretary.