Minutes of the September 2014 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Minutes for the FSAARC September 2014 meeting
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on 9-15-14 by club president, Jimmie Lowrey, W5JNL. The minutes of last month’s meeting were posted to the club’s website at and a motion from Mike Bell, K5JMB was made to accept the minutes. A second was made by John Samuels, W5ATW and the motion carried by unanimous vote. Chuck Johnson, N5JUD then read the Treasurer’s report. He indicated our bank balance and hamfest balance. Also, we have a few outstanding hamfest prize purchase rebates to receive and this will add to the balance. The treasurer’s report had a motion brought by Rick Deaton, K5RRD to be accepted and this was seconded by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN and subsequently passed by unanimous vote. There was nothing new to report about the hamfest for 2015. W5OFN gave a repeater report indicating the 146.940 machine may have to be moved from its current location. We suspect the antenna is shot and that the power amplifier may be bad. The feed line for this repeater is owned by the phone company. The comet antenna is very old and not worth saving. We will need to find a new “home” for this backup repeater. Mike Cole, W5TMC then was given the floor for an activities report of which there were no new activities to report. A report for the club’s involvement in the Arkansas QSO Party was made whereby the club made 133 QSO’s in the Party under call W5ANR. There was a bad noise issue in the EOC building while trying to operate and this limited the activity somewhat. The van was started while the participants were at the EOC and it cranked right up. W5OFN, W5TMC, Jim Roughly, K5JUC, K5JMB, Royce Rainwater, KE5TC, W5JNL and Rory Bowers, K6CKS were the club members operating in the Arkansas QSO Party under W5ANR. Moral support was provided by N5JUD and Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT who visited the EOC during the contest operations. Then Old Business was brought up. There was no old business. We had an introduction of the attendees to the meeting. N5JUD advised the club that we got a nice letter from the ARRL thanking the club for the Spectrum Defense Fund donation that we sent to them. N5JUD also asked that when you renew your membership to please include a completed application form with your payment. This is how we have always done and it helps the club keep updated records for the dues paying members. N5JUD has a friend at UAFS , Jeff Adams, in the Lifelong Learning center, and would like to get a class on amateur radio there. This would be for the Spring 2015 semester. Chuck would like to get several club members to meet with UAFS about this. Especially someone who has taught before. The antennas we put up out there several years ago are down currently. John Samuels mentioned that Michael Davidson of Poteau, OK wants to try to have a class down in Poteau. A motion to have someone from the club go over to UAFS and discuss with them about teaching a class in their Lifelong Learning Department was made by David Overton, K5DFO and seconded by W5OFN. The motion carried by unanimous vote. No other new business was brought up. K5JMB motioned that we adjourn the meeting and W5OFN seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Minutes submitted by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX- FSAARC Secretary