Minutes of the September 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Meeting minutes for Sept. 16, 2013
The FSAARC monthly meeting was called to order by Club President Corey Freeman
Freeman who then asked Club Treasurer Rory Bowers to update the members in attendance about the monthly financial report. which can be read in it’s entirety on the Clubs website. A motion to accept the financial report was made by Roger Martin with a second by Art Sellers and the vote was accepted.
The floor was turned over to John Samuels Repeater Committee Chairman who explained that he did sell the 220 repeater at the Joplin Hamfest and then informed us that he and Rory Bowers were unsuccessful in changing the information on the controller of the 146.640 repeater and would try it again at a later date.
Corey Freeman mentioned that he spoke with a gentleman in NW Arkansas about the situation about another 220 repeater who explained that they used a inexpensive Motorola Radio System in their link system and we might look at those radios if we decide to put up another 220 repeater in the future. John Samuels also made mention that the club still had the four cavity Duplexers for a 220 machine and that would make putting another 220 machine up more cost effective.
Corey Freeman then posed the question again to the group to see if anyone had an interest in a 220 repeater and even had 220 capability with Jeff Rickets having the only 220 radio at present time. So the idea of putting up another 220 repeater was put back on hold again due to no interest at this time.
Mark Clayton brought to the clubs attention that the 146.940 repeater was going to have to be relocated in the very near future due to Kelsy retiring soon and after a short discussion on the floor it was decided that the repeater committee was going to investigate this matter further and bring it back up to the clubs attention at next months meeting.
There was a motion to pull the 146.940 repeater out of service by Rick
Deaton with a second by Jeff Rickets and with a vote the motion was carried.
This repeater will be back in service as soon as a suitable location is found and a NEW antenna and feed line ( Hard Line ) is purchased.
Corey then asked the group what they wanted to do for the October meeting if we wanted to have a combination meeting and picnic like we had in the past BUT it was brought to our attention due to the lack of attendance last year for the meeting/picnic we’ve decided to have a meeting only. After the business is taken care of there will be a poll asked to the attendees if they want a Fall Picnic and if we do we’ll make arrangements and contact the club members.
Reminder: The October monthly meeting is the evening we nominate club officers for the next calendar year so, if at possible as a club member we need to make this meeting.
Vice President David Overton then took the floor and made mention that they were looking for a volunteer to become the ARRL Emergency Coordinator for Sebastian County and after a short discussion on the floor NO ONE volunteered for the position.
The floor was then opened for new business and Richard Andrews passed out information about a Scout Jamboree Saturday October 19th and was asking for club volunteers to help in operating the HF and VHF radio equipment to get the scouts on the air so they could get their badges. After a discussion on the floor asking what we as a club were going to be asked to do to support this event, it was decided by the members in attendance to help out the October event.
Note: More information will be sent out via email as well as on the Thursday evenings net in the very near future about this activity so, stay tuned.
The floor was reopened for new business and Mike Bell made the motion to adjourn so everyone could have an opportunity to participate in that evenings programs so the meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm.
Mike Cole, W5TMC