Minutes of the September 2011 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

The Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club met at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 19, 2011, at the Health South conference room.

President Royce Rainwater called the meeting to order and everyone introduced themselves. Charles Evans made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting as posted on the web site. The motion was seconded, voted on and passed. Treasurer Rick Deaton provided a report which included mostly electricity expenses. John Samuels made a motion to approve the report. It was seconded, voted on and passed.

Club Van

The trickle charger needs to be worked on since the battery went down.

Repeater Update

Wayne Johnson reported that the 444.500 machine needs to be worked on. John Samuels reported that the batteries for the repeater need to be replaced before storm season. Chuck Foley made a motion that we purchase six batteries for approximately $650. It was seconded, voted on and passed.

Club Picnic

Mike Cole announced that the club picnic, October meeting and election of 2012 officers will be October 15. It has traditionally been the 3rd Saturday of October. It was agreed upon that we will have it Indoors. He will make arrangements and announce details on the Thursday night net. The club will provide burgers, hot dogs and brats. Members are asked to bring side dishes and desserts.

CW Class

Mike Cole reported that he is making plans for a CW class and he will hopefully have more information at the next meeting.


October 7 & 8 Events

Various members are helping with parking detail at Octoberfest at Columbus Acres on Oct 7 and 8. It was agreed upon that the van will be at the Octoberfest event on October 7 and at the Emergency Safety Fair in Poteau on October 8.


Donated Items

Wayne Johnson has two items that Bill Farris had donated. Mark Clayton made a motion that if no one makes a bid on them tonight, then the club designates Jimmie Lowrey to put them on ebay. The motion was seconded, voted on and passed.


New business

According to the current club bylaws, club officers do not vote; past officers are the voting members of the board. We have not been able to hold board meetings since a number of the past officers are not available to meet. President Royce Rainwater distributed a copy of proposed changes to the bylaws. Please note that the bulletin committee is considered to be the web site committee. A copy will also be sent by email and U.S. mail to members as well as posted on the web site. It will be voted on at the next meeting.



Article IV Officers

Section 4

Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers of the preceding year and the current elected Committee Chairman. Current Club Officers are members ex officio of the Board of Directors, but may not vote. The board of Directors shall elect from their members a Chairman of the Board, and a Vice Chairman of the board. The Club Secretary shall serve as Board Secretary.


In the event that a vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors during the year the vacancy shall be filled in the following manner. Chairman from the following committees shall serve on the board of Directors for the remainder of the term in the order listed below.

Hamfest Committee

Repeater Committee

Activities Committee

Bulletin Committee  

Mike Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded, voted on and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.