Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club October 2017
The October Meeting of the FSAARC was called to order by Mike Cole W5TMC at 1:08 pm on October 14, 2018.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR shared a Printed Copy of the Minutes with those present, Joel Goldstein W5GOL made a Motion to approve the Minutes, the Motion was seconded by Jim Weaver KM5YV and the Motion was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report as Follows:
Beginning Balance | $5438.53 | |
Deposits | $0.00 | |
Donation to Humane Society in Memory of Joe Stokes Mother | $25.00 | |
Electric Bill for Repeater Site | $43.00 | |
Ending Balance | $5370.53 |
Motion by Jim Weaver KM5YV to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, seconded by Joe Stoke K5JPS, was approved Unanimously.
Repeater Report by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, Wayne stated that the Repeater was down for a few hours because of an Electric Problem at the Site, once the Electricity came back on the Repeater came back up. Also discussed was the need for a Spectrum Analyzer for use at the Repeater Site, Jim Weaver KM5YV stated that he still had not heard from G&B Battery on the cost to replace the Batteries, he will try to get in touch with him to get a Price.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR reported that an Attorney said he thought everything would be OK with doing as we have been doing, but also suggested the a CPA have a chance to look at the paperwork. The Paperwork was given to Jimmy Lowery W5JNL for his review.
Mike Cole W5TMC advised that the new location for the HAMFEST has been CONFIRMED and we will be having it at the Old National Guard Armory in Fort Smith. He stated that he had checked on the number of Tables and Chairs that we will be needing and is continuing to check Prices on the RENTAL of these. He said we would be needing 50 Tables and 75 Chairs, we want to get a provider who will deliver them and pick the back up. Food for the Hamfest was discussed, Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL stated that he and some friends from the local Christian Motorcycle Association will be providing food for Friday Night and also will have food available for sale on Saturday for those wanting to purchase it. There will be FREE COFFEE available. We are going to list Hotel Accommodations that will be available for those needing a place to stay, it was also suggested that we put a sign out by Columbus Acres to advise others where the new location is.
Jim Weaver KM5YV discussed that we need More Involvement in our Club Meetings and also more participation. Other things were discussed about the Meetings as to number and frequency of Meetings.
Next everyone introduced themselves.
Nominations were then taken for Club Officers for the upcoming year. The following were those Nominated:
President – Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL
Vice President – Jim Darraough KI7AY
Richard Davidson W5ACP
Rory Bowers K5CKS
Secretary – Steve Rutherford WC5SR
Treasurer – Cathy Haugh KF5UYT
The Position of Vice President will be voted on at the Next Club Meeting.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN made a Motion to Adjourn from the Business Session, it was approved Unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted:
Steve Rutherford
Club Treasurer