Minutes of the October 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


The October Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was held on October 19th 2015 at the HealthSouth Hospital Conference Room, the Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice President Mike Cole.
The Minutes were posted on the Club Website, Joe Stokes K5JPS, made a motion that the Minutes be approved as printed, the motion was seconded by Art Sellers W3TZ and approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. She reported that the Club started the month with $5912.35 with expenses of $500.00 for the Yaesu Repeater, and Bills Due $69.30 to Mike Cole for reimbursement for items purchased and $37.00 for the electric bill at the repeater site. This leaves a balance of $5306.05. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Wayne Johnson W5OFN and was seconded by Chuck Johnson N5JUD, the motion was approved unanimously.
Repeater Committee report was given, nothing to report except the new repeater to be used on the 146.940 frequency is on its way to the club. Wayne also reminded everyone that we would need to have a work day in the next month or two at the 146.640 repeater site. A discussion was held concerning the location that we would use for the 146.940 repeater, it was decided to Table this discussion until next month in order to check on a couple of locations.
Mike Cole said that the Club was looking for volunteers for next years Hamfest to serve on the Committee to assist in planning and preparation for the Hamfest, everyone was asked to consider volunteering to help.
Jeff Ricketts reported on the FSAARC get-together held last Saturday a good time was held and will consider doing another get-together of this kind at another time.
Joe Stokes asked to speak and presented an ELMER AWARD from the ARRL to Mike Cole for his assistance in helping his grow as an Amateur Radio Operator.
Mike Cole then spoke about next years Hanging Judge Hamfest. He confirmed that WE will be the Delta Division Convention. We already have FOUR Forums scheduled and Mike has invited Bob Heil to come also. We will discuss the amount of money to spend for prizes during the November FSAARC meeting. Mike also discussed the Food Situation and the club was assured that we would have the Fish and Shrimp Dinner on Friday night. Also, there will be a Wouff Hong ceremony on Friday Night.
Richard Davidson KG5GYF, made a motion that the FSAARC create a Facebook account on the internet, Joel W5GOL, seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Richard and Joe Stokes will get the Page set up and running.
OFFICER NOMINATIONS were then held. The following people were nominated by the members present, with the election being held at next Month’s meeting;
VICE-PRESIDENT – No nominations were made
A 50/50 drawing was held and Joel Goldstein won the drawing with $14.00 going to him and $14.00 being put in the FSAARC Account.
Motion to adjourn the Meeting was made by Mike Bell K5JMB it was seconded by Randy Baggett KG5NE, the motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Rutherford, WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary