Minutes of the October 2014 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Minutes for the FSAARC October 2014 meeting
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on 10-20-14 by club vice president, Mike Cole W5TMC. Mike welcomed guests to open. The minutes from Septembers meeting were accepted after Chuck Johnson N5JUD made a motion to accept and it was seconded by Ed Rowen AC5DC and subsequently passed unanimously. Club president, Jimmie Lowrey, W5JNL was out of state and could not attend this meeting. The minutes of last months meeting were posted to the clubs website at www.FSAARC.org. N5JUD read the treasurers report and indicated that the club account had a balance of $6,020.99 as of 9-15-14. A FD expense of $316.26 was deducted leaving a balance as of 10-22-14 of $5,690.23. We still have not gotten the rebates from Yaesu on the Hamfest prize purchases. N5JUD thought that the rebate value was somewhere around $250.00 or so. Joel Goldman W5GOL inquired about the upcoming Hamfest and W5TMC advised we would be getting a Hamfest committee together to get things rolling. We will be back at Columbus Acres in Ft. Smith. We need people to volunteer for the committee. W5GOL motioned to accept the treasurers report and it was seconded by Art Sellers W3TZ and passed unanimously. Wayne Johnson W5OFN discussed the need to move the 146.940. We need to determine where the repeater might be relocated to. The machine is basically down currently. The new back up repeater is 145.110 W5JWT in Liberty, OK. Mike asked about any issues with the Van. It was started by Royce Rainwater KE5TC during the Ark. QSO Party but probably hasn’t been started since. W5TMC had everyone introduce themselves. We welcome those visitors and possible new club members. AC5DC advised that we last tested 4 persons and all passed their exams with 1 passing a general exam as well. Old business N5JUD advised that we had gotten a capital credit for $21.57. The bill was around $14.00 for last months electricity. W5TMC reminded all about the weekly net on Thursday nights. New business was called for and Chuck Foley W5CJF indicated that SK N5EGL has equipment for sale. Can be put out on the Freeâ€list and then the weekly net. Jeff Ricketts K5KDX let everyone know that the CQ Worldwide DX Contest was coming up this weekend. K5KDX got a 3rd place certificate for the 2013 IARU Contest for Multi Operator High Power, Arkansas Section from the ARRL. Marcy Melvin AF5BZ won first place in the Single Op High Power Unassisted, Arkansas Section from the ARRL. Ed Burris WA5SOG also won a certificate in the same IARU contest. W5TMC opened the floor for club officer nominations. After discussion N5JUD decided that he would not reapply for the treasurer for 2015. K5KDX also declined to be reâ€nominated as the club secretary. No one made any nominations basically. K5KDX nominated Steve Rutherford WC5SR as secretary. He accepted. K5KDX would assist in his absence. W5JNL is nominated as president which he indicated he would accept prior to the club meeting. David Overton K5DFO nominated W5TMC as VP. Several other floor nominations were turned down for the treasurer position. As no one accepted a treasurer position it will be tabled until the next club meeting unless someone comes forward between now and then. Those persons nominated who accepted were accepted through a motion. Motioned by Mike Bell K5JMB and seconded by W5OFN. N5JUD advised that the club will start collecting club dues after the first of November 2014. Officers will be voted upon in our next meeting. Jim Roughley K5JUC advised that Bill Priakos W5SJ, K4UEE and others are going to Navassa to activate this Caribbean Island. No other new business was brought up. K5JMB motioned that we adjourn the meeting and W5OFN seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Minutes submitted by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX FSAARC Secretary 2014