Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club November 2017




The November 2017 Meeting of the FSAARC was called to order @ 7:03 by Mike Cole W5TMC President.

The Meeting Minutes from the October Meeting were posted on the Club website and Printed Minutes were available for viewing.  Jim Darrough KI7AY made a Motion to approve the minutes as posted, seconded by John Annis WO0OOO, Motion was approved unanimously.


Cathy Haugh KF5UYT presented the Treasurers Report as follows:

October Balance Forward  $5,370.53
  Deposit      $50.00
New Balance     $5,420.53
Bills Due/Paid      
  Electric for Repeater Site     $43.00
Ending Balance     $5,377.53


Joel Goldstein W5GOL made a Motion to approve the Treasurers Report, it was Seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY and it was approved unanimously.


          Rory Bowers K5CKS gave the Repeater Report, he stated that there was some interference problems with a Crossband Repeater.  He also stated that there was no news on the New Batteries.


          Mac McDonald gave a report on the SET conducted by the ARES Group, everything went well, just need more support from ARES Members

          Mike Cole gave a Report on the Upcoming Hamfest on the 1st Weekend in April, we know that WBOW will NOT be coming this year, Still don’t know on some others.  Mike encouraged all of the Members of FSAARC to be telling others about the Hamfest and inviting them to come. 

          Mike Cole W5TMC also mentioned the upcoming FSAARC Banquet to be held in January at the Western Sizzlin on Towson Avenue in Ft. Smith.  We will have 2 guests with us, David Norris and Jay ferguson the new Arkansas Section Manager are scheduled to be with us. 

          Election  of Vice President for the FSAARC – voting was held for the Position of Vice-President.  After a Club Members present were given Ballots and they were collected and counted Jim Darrough KI7AY was elected Vice-President for the upcoming year. 

          Members and those wanting to become members of FSAARC were reminded that the Club treasurer was accepting Renewal and New Members Dues payments now.


Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to adjourn the meeting, the Motion was approved unanimously.


Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford WC5SR

FSAARC Secretary