Minutes of the January 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

NOVEMBER 21, 2016

The November Meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. was held on November 21, 2016 at the HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital.  The Meeting was called to Order @ 7:00 pm by Jimmie Lowery, W5JNL @ 7:00 pm.
Steve Rutherford, WC5SR Club Secretary announced the minutes from the October Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Art Sellers, W3TZ, made a Motion to approve the Minutes as posted, Mike Cole W5TMC seconded the Motion, it was approved Unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report, an Ending Balance for the Month was $5,314.90.  Joel Goldstein W5GOL, made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, the Motion was seconded by Joe Stokes K5JPS, the Treasurer’s Report was approved Unanimously.
Club Dues are now being accepted this Month and December for the 2017 year, the dues are $25.00 per person or per Family.
Repeater Committee reported that they still needed to do the work at the Repeater Sight.
No Old Business
HAMFEST – Volunteer Committee Members are needed for the Hamfest, Mike Cole W5TMC stated that he was still waiting on confirmation from the company HAM CRAZY.
Mike Cole W5TMC has been registered as the new Repeater Trustee for the Club’s Repeater.
Mike also mentioned that the Club Webpage is being worked on and a couple of new things are in the plans to be added:
1.     A Memorial page for Silent Keys
2.    Spot Light on a different Club Member about every 3 months.

Mike Cole W5TMC reminded everyone that the January Club Meeting will be at Sizzlin Sirloin on Towson Avenue in Ft Smith.
Also it was mentioned that Volunteers were needed for Net Control Operators for the FSAARC weekly Net on Thursday evenings.
Yearly Election of Officers was held
Those nominated for President last month were:
Richard Davidson W5ACP & Mike Cole W5TMC
After a Ballot vote, Mike Cole W5TMC was elected President
Those nominated for Vice President were:
Rory Bowers K5CKS & Richard Davidson W5ACP
After a Ballot vote, Rory Bowers K5CKS was elected Vice President
Those nominated for Secretary were:
Cheri VanSyckle KG5EFB & Steve Rutherford WC5SR
Cheri had asked that her name be removed so she could spend time doing the Club Newsletter.
Elected by Acclamation was Steve Rutherford, WC5SR
Treasurer Cathy Haugh KF5UYT was elected by Acclamation as Club Treasurer.
Mike Cole mentioned that Volunteers are needed to be Net Control Operators for the FSAARC weekly NET, if you are interested send Mike an Email.
A question was asked about the Repeater and needed Repairs, Wayne Johnson W5OFN stated the Repeater Committee was going to handle the needed repairs.
Club President Jimmie Lowrey shared that the FSAARC had received the Social Club Award from the ARRL.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion that the Meeting be adjourned and it was approved Unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
FSAARC Club Secretary