Minutes of the November 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

November 16, 2015 MEETING

The November Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:02 pm by by Jimmie Lowery,W5JNL, Club President.
The Minutes of the October meeting were printed on the Club’s Website, Joel Goldstein W5GOL made a motion that they be approved as printed, the motion was seconded by Randy Baggett KG5NE, the motion was unanimously approved.
Cathy Haugh KF5YUT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report.  Starting Balance was $5,306.05, the only bill due is the Electric Bill for the Repeater Site at $37.00, Deposits were (1) Dues paid for $50.00, (2) October 50/50 Drawing $14.00, (3) Donation from Picnic $45.00, (4) Donation $100.00.  Bringing the Total Amount in the Bank $5478.05, also there is $96.60 in the Paypal Account for Club dues bring the total to $5574.65.  Chuck Johnson N5JUD  made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted, Art Sellers W3TZ,  seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN gave the Repeater Committee Report, they are needing 2 additional members on the Repeater Committee to replace 2 who are no longer serving.  Also was reported that the NEW 94 repeater had been received and will be set up in a Temporary Mode at Jimmie Lowery’s Business, Jimmy is going to Co-ordinate with Randy Baggett KG5NE for the installation.  Wayne also mentioned that after we have the first good frost we need to have a work day at Cavanal repeater site.
Mike Cole W5TMC gave the Activity Report, he said that we were still having trouble with the FREELIST, some people are still not receiving it.  Mike also reminded everyone of the Banquet in January and the Nominations for the Awards that will be awarded at the Banquet were given out to those in attendance.
Mike also gave a report on the Hamfest to be held the 1st Weekend in May, we have four (4) Forums Scheduled at this time, Kevin Stockton, Rick Broderick, David Norris and Dale Temple will be the speakers.  We will set up the tables on Thursday, Roger W5LW is planning on being there to test used equipment.
Old  Business – NONE
New Business –
It was noted that FSAARC will have an opportunity to work the ARRL National Parks on the Air event at the National Park in Ft Smith at Judge Parker’s Courthouse.  Operations will be on Digital/Phone/CW.
It was noted that Keith Pipkins had a Quadruple By-Pass this morning.
The program called Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% if the Club will sign up for it.  They are doing that for Non-Profit Groups.  Art Sellers W3TZ made a motion for the Club to participate, seconded by John Samuels W5ATW, motion was approved unanimously.
Rory Bowers N6CKS volunteered to take the position as Vice-President of the Club for the coming year, Mike Cole W5TMC made a motion that this be approved, was seconded by Art Sellers W3TZ, it was approved unanimously.
David Overton K5DFO made a motion that the Incoming President, Vice-President and Treasurer be put on the Checking Account for the FSAARC Bank Accounts, it was approved unanimously.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN won the 50/50 drawing, he won $16.00 and $16.00 was donated to the Club.
David Overton K5DFO made a motion that the Club spend $4000.00 for prizes at the Hamfest, second was by Mike Bell K5JMB and was approved unanimously.
There being no further business. Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion to adjourn and it was approved unanimously.   Meeting was adjorned at 7:53 pm.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
F.S.A.A.R.C.  Secretary