Minutes of the November 2011 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
FSAARC Meeting Notes
November 21, 2011
Meeting called to order President Royce Rainwater at 7:00 PM
Royce passed out ballots to vote on changes of standing rules and bylaws.
After review of members present a vote of 20 yea and 1 nay was recorded to approve new rules and bylaws.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and a motion was made by Chuck N5JUD and seconded by Art W3TZ.
The treasurer’s report was read by Rick K5RRD. A standing balance was given of $7,999.66. Mike W5TMC made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and a second was made by Chuck N5JUD. The report was voted on and accepted by majority.
Wayne W5OFN/repeater chairman made a report that the controller needs to be replaced on 146.640. It has been giving us a lot of trouble and repairs need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Mike W5TMC activities director announced that our banquet will be Monday, January 16, 2012 at Big Jakes in Van Buren, AR. A $50.00 deposit was made to reserve the room. Members and guests will pay for their own meal. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Nominations for 2012
Jimmie Lowery W5JNL – President
David Overton K5DFO – Vice-President
Rick Deaton K5RRD – Treasurer
Win Dooley W5JAG – Secretary
A motion was made to accept the above nominations by Mike K5JMB. The motion was seconded by Chuck N5JUD. The motion passed and accepted by majority.
Rick K5RRD stated that dues are being collected for the 2012 year. They can be paid in person on online. $25.00 per year.
No more old business. No new business brought to the floor.
Motion to adjourn was given by Mike K5JMB and seconded by Art W3TZ.
Meeting minutes were taken and recorded by Jeff K5KDX board member in absence of our elected secretary.