Minutes of the March 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club




The March 2016 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jimmie Lowery, W5JNL, Club President.

The Minutes of the February Meeting were posted on the Club’s Website, Mike Cole W5TMC, made a Motion to approve the Minutes as Posted, motion seconded by Joel Goldstein, W5GOL, Motion was approved Unanimously.

Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report, had a beginning balance of $2785.27, deposits of $282.00 and $476.01 for a Balance of $3543.28, Bills to be paid: Electric @ Repeater Site $36.00, American Tower $100.00, Mercer Insurance, Liability & Equipment Insurance, $593.00, leaving a Balance of $2814.00. Motion made by Jeff Ricketts, K5KDX, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, approved unanimously.

Mike Cole, W5TMC, gave the Activities Report, will be participating in the National Parks On The Air again on March 30-April 1. He also mentioned that the CQWPX event was on the upcoming weekend.

Hamfest is coming up very shortly, Mike gave an update, Dale Temple has requested 4 chairs, he also said the Air Force MARS representative wants a table, we will have NO Badge Vendor, a NEW Hat Vendor, also discussed the schedule for Pre-Hamfest help needed – Thursday Unload and set-up Tables @ 4:00 pm, Friday – Begin unloading for the Vendors at NOON, Supper will be available that evening at Columbus Acres, also the WOUFF HONG event will be held Friday Evening after supper, Mike reminded everyone that you MUST be an ARRL member to participate in the WOUFF HONG Ceremony. Also discussed that help would be needed at the Hamfest for those coming in to pay, for the pre-paid registrations and also for Testing, VEC’s will be needed. Also will need 2-wheelers for the unloading. Jimmie Lowery also mentioned that we need to change the wording to say that ADMISSION will be a DONATION of $10.00 to the CLUB and 2 tickets will be given for each Donation. Additional Prize tickets will be available. Club Treasurer will get the Change for the Door. Grand Prize Drawing will begin at 1:00 pm. The Grand Prize will be the only prize that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT to win. Testing at the Hamfest will be between 9:00 am until 11:00 am.


Repeater Committee gave report on the repairs that had been done at the Repeater Site. Also the need to do some maintenance at the repeater site was mentioned and the need to spray for WASPS before the work would be done.

Mike Bell, K5JMB, made a Motion to Adjourn, motion was approved Unanimously. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Rutherford WC5SR

Club Secretary