Minutes of the March 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
MARCH 16, 2015
The FSAARC met on March 16, 2015 at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital the meeting was Called to Order by Jimmy Lowrey W5JNT, President @ 7:03 pm. The Minutes from the Last Meeting were printed on the Website and a Motion was made by Art, and Seconded by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, and the Minutes were approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Kathy Haugh KF5UYT, we started with a Balance of $6,424.01, had Deposit of $20.00, and Payments of $50.00, $38.00, $32.75 & $320.00 leaving an Ending Balance of $6,003.26. Chuck made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Art Sellers W3TZ, seconded, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously. We also have a little over $500.00 on Paypal.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN gave a Report from the Repeater Committee Report, the 146.64 repeater is operating fine, Rory Bowers K6CKS, corrected the Time Difference, the 146.94 repeater is Completely Down and the UHF repeaters are up and working. Also discussed a possible placement of the 146.94 repeater, THREE different locations were mentioned, #1 on Greenwood Avenue near the Red Cross Office, #2 at Jenny Lind and #3 in Van Buren. It was decided that Wayne would check out the site on Greenwood Ave. and Art would check on the site in Van Buren and bring a report back to the next meeting.
Van Committee Report was given by Royce Rainwater KE5TC, he stated that the Van had not been started lately and he DID NOT take it to the Claremore Hamfest, he said he would drive the vehicle to his residence so it could be driven and would check out Fluid Levels, etc and the Generator.
Mike Cole W5TMC then reported on Activities, with the main emphasis being the upcoming Hanging Judge Hamfest. The Dealers that will be at the Hamfest include: Main Trading Company, WBOW, Associated Radio,
D & L Antenna, Ozark Threadworks, Clear Signal Coax and Grapevine Amateur Radio.
Roger Martin will have a Test Table set up also to do testing for the Hamfest. We will also need tables for the stuff from ARRL and ICOM.
We will need several Volunteers to help set tables up at 4:00 pm on Thursday Evening, Art Sellers W3TZ will handle coordination of the tables.
Set up of tables will be done on Friday Afternoon/Evening, then we will have Dinner and then will have the Woo Fong Ceremony. We need Volunteers to come about Noon on Friday. We should be able to leave about 10:00 pm.
Discussion was held about what time the Hamfest will end on Saturday. It was decided that it will end at 2:00 pm. The First Drawing will be at 9:00 am on Saturday and the Final Drawing will be at 2:00 pm and then the Drawing for the Grand Prize. We need people to show up by 6:00 am to help on Saturday Morning in getting everything up and going. We will need several people to help clean up after the end of the Hamfest, putting up tables, etc.
Also it was discussed about the POSSIBILITY of the FSAARC Hanging Judge Hamfest to host the Delta Division Convention next year. It is still just a possibility but Mike will work on this and see if it is possible.
OLD BUSINESS – The Coax from Field Day, where is it. Jimmie Lowrey W5JNT said he knew who had it and would check with him.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN said that someone had donated a 1000 Watt Generator to the Club.
Rick Deaton said that he had paid for the Signs for the Club to put up in Sebastian County. The cost was $30.00
Mike Cole W5TMC talked about possibly buying 500 ft of Coax at the Hamfest.
NEW BUSINESS – Royce Rainwater KE5TC mentioned that LOTW is being worked on and should be working better within the next year. Also said that ARRL is looking at a $10.00 per year Membership Fee Increase so renewing for multiple years might be money saving.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Wayne Johnson W5OFN and motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned @ 8:13 pm.
Submitted by Steve Rutherford, Secretary FSAARC