Minutes of the June 2017 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The June 2017 meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. was called to order by Mike Cole W5TMC @ 7:06 pm.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Treasurer advised that the Minutes of the Meeting was posted on the Club Website, Jim Weaver KM5YV made a motion to approve the Minutes as posted, seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT Club Secretary presented the June Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Balance forward $5,562.67
Deposits since the last meeting
Donations from raffle ($101.25)
Hamfest Prize Rebate ($30.00)
Amazon Smile ($5.00)
Balance after Deposits $5,698.92
Bills Paid & Due
Jimmie Lowery Picnic Supplies $28.61
Reorder Checks $28.75
Electric for Repeater $38.00
NEW BALANCE $5603.56
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report made by Joel Goldstein W5GOL, seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY, the motion was approved unanimously.
There was no Old Business brought up.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN, reported that the Repeater Site received some damage, it has been repaired, there were 2 hardline cables loose from the tower that needs to be re-attached, we will need someone to re-attach those cables in the future.
Also was mentioned that Jerry Tucker’s repeater was back up and running.
John Annis WO0OOO, Webmaster for the Club’s Website announced that some of the member’s Passwords had been lost and they will need to use the FORGOT PASSWORD LINK. He also said they may need to change their PASSWORD.
Mac McDonald AB5SG, Sebastian County ARES Director announced a TableTop Exercise @ the airport, he also shared that there WILL NOT be an ARES Net this month, but there will be a MEETING at the Sebastian County EOC on June 27th @ 6:30 pm. Instructions will be given on Message Handling, he also stated that after the class there would be a Drawing for a Radio.
Mike Cole W5TMC reminded everyone that KID’s Day was this Saturday, Mike also mentioned some of the breakfast get-togethers held in the area, they are being held in Leflore County, Crawford County, and the FSAARC Breakfast.
Mike also brought up the FIELD DAY that is being held on Saturday, June 24th at the Park in Greenwood. The Group decided that those working field day will eat on their own this year.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, which was approved Unanimously.
After the Meeting a Drawing was held for a Radio which was donated by KI7AY Jim Darrough, Mike Cole W5TMC won the Radio.