Minutes of the June 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The Monthly Meeting of the FSAARC was called to order by Mike Cole, W5TMC @ 7:05 PM, President Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL came into the Meeting and took over the Moderator’s Position.
The Minutes were posted on the FSAARC Website, Joe Stoke, W5JPS made a motion to approve the Minutes as Posted, Motion was seconded by Pat Hopkins N5VMO and approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report for June. Had a Balance Forward of $5,247.03, two deposits were made totaling &74.00 and 3 Bills had been paid for a total of $258.25 leaving a Balance of $5,062.78. Motion was made by Pat Hopkins N5VMO, second was by Joe Stokes K5JPS, the Report was approved unanimously. After the motion a question was asked about the HAMFEST if we profited or had a loss, the report was it was a Small Loss.
Everyone Present then introduced themselves.
Wayne Johnson gave a Repeater Committee Report, in which he stated that TWO WEEKS after Field Day a Work Day would be help at the Repeater Site.
Field Day was then discussed with those who would be participating and the Bands they would be working for Field Day. There will be a $10.00 Cost for the Dinner of Food on Saturday Evening. Ronnie Ross will pick up the Ice for the Coolers.
Old Business – NONE
New Business – Some would be helping Danny Whitehorse in programming a Yaesu FT 2800M after the meeting.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, the motion was approved and the Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford FSAARC Secretary