Minutes of the June 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
June 15, 2015 MEETING
The F.S.A.A.R.C. June Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Jimmy Lowery, W5JNL, Club President.
Motion was made to approve the Minutes as displayed on the Club Website by John Samuels W5ATW, motion was seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report, bills paid so far this month are: Electric @ Repeater $37.00, $92.00 for rent for PO Box, $273.00 for insurance for the Club leaving a balance of $5988.79 at this time, she also stated she has two (2) more bills that need to be paid: Electric for Repeater @ $37.00 and $250.20 for Web Hosting for our Website, which will leave a balance of $5701.59 after they are paid. Motion to approve made by Ronnie Ross, KD6RYO, motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
REPEATER COMMITTEE: Wayne Johnson W5OFN said that the grass is going to be mowed at the repeater sight at Cavanal when it dries out. Art Sellers W3TZ advised that he has talked to someone where we are thinking about putting the 146.94 repeater at, but hasn’t heard anything back from them. The purchasing of the new repeater that was approved last meeting was discussed, contact has been made but haven’t heard anything back.
HAMFEST: Mike Cole W5TMC advised that he has not heard anything official yet concerning hosting the Delta Division Convention at our Hamfest next year. If he hears anything before the next meeting he will advise via the Freelist.
OLD BUSINESS: John Zellmer KD5II wants to donate his antenna to the club to sell it is a 52′ HyGain crank up antenna, which has 3 sections with no base. He also has some sections of Rohn 45 and Rohn 25 for sale.
VAN: Wayne Johnson W5OFN said that he had made contact with the Sebastian County Judge and he has not said either way if the County would accept the van. Mike Cole W5TMC made a motion that we sell the van, motion was seconded, after discussion the Motion Carried with only 1 negative vote. Motion then was made to set a Minimum Price of $4500.00 by Art Sellers W3TZ motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Rick Deaton advised that Leflore County Emergency Management would be interested in the Van.
Mike Cole W5TMC recognized those who worked during the W1AW for our Club, Gary McCrorey WQ5R, Rick Deaton K5RRD and himself, with help from James Wood W5EMP, Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL and Jeff Ricketts K5KDX.
FIELD DAY was discussed and plans made. The Club again will again be using Belle Park in Greenwood, Ar. The Meals will be provided by the Club and will cost $10.00 per person for the weekend. The Sebastian County CERT trailer will be there to be used. It was also mentioned that Leflore County will also be hosting a Field Day event at Runestone Park for any that would like to go there.
There being no further Business, Jim Roughley K5JUC made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded and approved unaniomously.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
Club Secretary