Minutes of the June 2014 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
FSAARC Minutes of meeting 6-16-14
The Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club May meeting began at 7 p.m. with President Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL calling the meeting to order. The minutes to the May 2014 meeting were approved as posted by motion from Rory Bowers K6CKS and seconded by Joel Goldstein W5GOL. Approval of the minutes was passed. We did not have the Treasurer’s report form Chuck Johnson N5JUD as he was out of the country. W5JNL indicated that to his knowledge there were no major debits or credits to the club account and that we should still be close to what we had in our account last month. W5JNL asked for committee reports . Wayne Johnson advised that there was nothing new for the repeater committee to report. W5JNL turned the floor over to the Activities Committee chairman Mike Cole W5TMC who turned the floor over to Jeff Ricketts K5KDX for a report on the ARRL June VHF Contest held at Rich Mountain near Mena, AR. K5KDX advised that we had about 82 6 meter contacts and 21-22 2meter and 430 MHz contacts. The final tally hadn’t been made but we had over 5,000 points for our efforts. Contacts were really slow on 6 meters especially on Saturday. 2 meters and 430 MHz were ahead of 6 meters until Saturday night when they were about even. The 6 meter contacts rolled in pretty well on Sunday morning as did the dense fog. We broke camp Sunday morning late as the weather conditions were pretty poor with the wind blowing half of the 2 meter – 430 MHz station’s tent down. W5JNL cooked out and the meals were very good. We all had a good time in spite of the wind. Steve, AG4V Rover station dropped by our location and visited. We worked him in a number of different grids and on different bands. He had one heck of a mobile set up for 6m, 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 1296MHz and on up. He had many antennas on his car to the point it looked like a government vehicle. He had capability of operating on 10 bands. We then had a whole room introduction of those who attended. KG6PCH who used to be a member back in 1955- 1957 was present. W5TMC advised that for the last 6 months the FSAARC net has had 900 check-ins. He also advised that the ARRL Kid’s Day would be Saturday 6-21-14. W5JNL advised that the van will be worked on to get it ready to be used for Field Day. We had 1 item of old business. W5TMC asked Art Sellers if there was to be a cost for the use of Columbus Acres for Field Day next year. W3TZ will check on this with Columbus Acres folks. W5JNL brought Field Day 2014 and that it was to be held at Bell Park in Greenwood, AR. Will cook out for Friday and Saturday nights and a breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning. W5JNL will do the cooking. W5TMC indicated we would be a 8A station. Wanted all laptops to be updated so the time is correct for the contest logging. The CERT trailer will be there. Hoping for nice weather. Mayor Doug Kinslow of Greenwood will bring a proclamation to be read by him. Tom Cook KG5AJP volunteered a golf cart for use. Lots of local media were contacted as well as the boy and girl scouts to invite them to field day. The meal expense for Saturday night’s meal will be $7.50 each to help offset the cost of the food and gas for the club. W5JNL asked for any other business or comments and there were none. A motion to adjourn was then made by Mike Bell K5JMB and it was seconded by all.
Submitted by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX FSAARC Secretary.