Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club June 2010
After the program, everyone introduced themselves, giving their name, call sign and place of residence.
President Deaton called for approval of the minutes as published on the Club’s website. Mark Clayton moved that they be accepted. John Samuels seconded the motion and it was passed.
Jeff Ricketts gave the treasurer’s report. Randy Baggett moved that the report be accepted as read. Mark Clayton seconded the motion and it was carried.
Wayne Johnson,Repeater Chairman, reported that after two days of hard work, the repeater building now has a new metal roof secured with screws and repairs to the building are complete. Gloria Fitzgerald and Jeff Ricketts took pictures and they will be posted on the web. Thanks were extended to all who worked on the hot job including Rick Deaton, Mark Platt, John Samuels, Jeff Ricketts and Wayne Johnson. It was also reported that the 94 machine will soon be back on the air with a PL; that the 440 machine is almost ready to go and that Roger has donated a repeater.
Field Day was discussed in old business. It will be Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27. The Club will set up at Bell Park in Greenwood. Wayne Johnson suggested starting early on Friday morning to avoid the heat and Mike Cole, Events Chairman, said that the set up would begin at 6:00 or 6:30 a.m. on Friday. Jay Bromley reported that everything was on track with Write Log for reporting the contacts. President Deaton stated that we would have enough stations to be a Class 5A and that every station needs at least one person there at all times for security. Charles Floyd and John Samuels are bringing rotators. Generators will be supplied by the Club, John Eddleman and Mike Cole. Debra Kee stated that the two FEMA trailers would be there starting Friday to give people a place to cool off. Mike Cole reminded everyone that plenty of ice and water would be needed. It was also reported that the mayor of Greenwood would deliver a proclamation at about noon on Saturday. Mike Cole reminded everyone to sign up if they intended to eat supper on Saturday night.
Under new business, Mike Cole announced that the Trolley Museum had invited us to participate in their open house on the second Sunday in July and that the display and station would be set up in the new library at the Museum which is air conditioned.
There being no further business, Mark Clayton moved that the meeting be adjourned. Jay Bromley seconded the motion and it was carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Eddleman,Secretary