Minutes of the July 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The July 15 2013 meeting of the Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order by Rory Bowers at 7:05pm with a short discussion about accepting the June 2013 meeting minutes as shown on the clubs website with an acceptance vote.
The clubs treasurer Rory Bowers gave the financial report for the month of June 2013 and with no queries there was a vote to accept the financial report. The floor was opened for old business with Wayne Johnson ( W5OFN ) gave the club an update on how Jim Roughly ( K5JUC ) is doing after his surgery.
The floor was again opened for any business with Jimmie Lowrey ( W5JNL ) making a comment that the rebate check was in for the purchases of the Yeasu equipment that was spent on the Hamfest prizes. There was a short discussion about making sure that all receipts were to be turned into the treasurer for the fuel costs as well as the purchase of ice for this years Field Day so everyone could be reimbursed.
The floor was then opened for any business and Chuck Johnson ( N5JUD ) made a motion to adjourn on behalf of Mike Bell ( K5JMB ) with the motion being carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:22PM.
Submitted by Mike Cole ( W5TMC )