Minutes of the February 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


There was held on the 20th day of February, 2012, a monthly meeting of the membership of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “club”) at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas. The new President, W5JNL, called the meeting to order at 1900 local time, and thereupon presided over the meeting.
Upon motion by N5JUD, seconded by K5KDX, and unanimously approved, the minutes of the preceding monthly meeting were accepted without correction or addition.
The treasurer K5RRD stated that the club had received $525.00 and expended $580.00 in the preceding month, and that the balance in the club account was $8567.17. Upon motion by KE5EJW, seconded by KG5NE, and unanimously approved, the report of the treasurer was accepted.
The first item to come before the club was the necessity of renewal, within the next six (6) months, of the club station WX5FSM. The existing trustee is K5GBT who was not in attendance. It was determined that K5RRD should expend clubs funds necessary to renew the license.
W5OFN and W5ATW reported that there were no new updates for any of the club repeaters.
Activities chairman W5TMC reported that it was a lull period, activity wise, for the club. He stated that the code practice class, previously held on the 146.94 repeater and now on the 145.110 repeater, each Tuesday evening, had six (6) to nine (9) hams per class.
K5RRD reported that the club communications van was to have a dual band vhf/uhf radio installed. The radio was received from the county without cost to the club. It was also stated that an Icom IC-746 HF radio had been purchased by the club from W5OFN and is to be installed in the communication van.
W5JNL called for reports from any other party but none came forward.
A discussion of the forthcoming hamfest was held. It was stated that the only confirmed vendor to date was a vendor of badges. W5JAY stated that the hamfest should now appear in the section discussion news and more interest should be forthcoming. K5KDX stated that WBOW’s attendance at the Hamfest was uncertain. It was stated that Associated Radio would again be the main dealer at the Hamfest.
W5TMC suggests that there should be a pre registration prize and that the value should be $75-100. A wide ranging discussion of same was had among the club members in attendance. W5ATW repeatedly expresses concern that the suggestion is untimely, that the flyers cannot be changed or the relevant web pages changed at this time to adequately publicize a pre registration prize. Upon motion of W5TMC, seconded by N5VMO, it is moved that a pre registration prize be made available for the forthcoming hamfest. The motion being put to a vote, the members voting for said motion number 11, the members voting against said motion number 11. W5JNL determines the motion fails.
W5JNL requests an allowance be made for hamfest prizes. N5JUD moves, and W5TMC seconds, that the club spend $4000.00 for hamfest prizes. Upon vote, W5JNL determines the motion fails, it being apparent, without the necessity of counting votes, that the motion lacks the necessary votes to be sustained. K5KDX and W5JNL state that the prize allowance for the prior years hamfest was $2500.00. W5CJF moves, and W5OFN seconds, that the club spend $3000.00 for hamfest prizes. Upon vote, W5JNL determines the motion passes, it being apparent, without the necessity of counting votes, that the motion is well taken. It is therefore resolved that the club spend $3000.00 for prizes for the forthcoming hamfest.
K5KDX states that fewer HT’s and dual band mobiles should be given as prizes. W5TMC states that the prize should be a good HF rig. K5RRD suggests that the new Kenwood TS-590S be considered, as the club has given away Yaesu radios in the last several years. It was stated this radio cost $1800-1900. KESEJW suggests that prizes should be higher quality and lesser in quantity and requests a show of support for this position. A general discussion of same is had among the club members in attendance until club Vice President K5DFO calls Point of Order, noting that there is a prize committee. K5DFO and W5JNL are among the members of the committee. W5JNL queries the attending members to get the sense of the club on this issue, and it is apparent, upon a show of hands, that the sentiment of the attending members of the club is that the hamfest prizes be of higher quality and lesser quantity.
W5TMC inquires if there are sufficient supplies for the hamfest and K5RRD states that they are sufficient. KE5EJW asks about hamfest volunteers. W5JNL defers this matter to the next monthly meeting.
There is no further discussion of the hamfest.
W5OFN states that all local storm spotter classes are concluded. W5TMC states that a class will be held in Sallisaw on March 1 at 1900 local time. W5OFN states that scheduled classes are publicized on the Tulsa NWS web page.
W5OFN states that the EEOC is not yet ready as it lacks computers and internet. It is accessible, however. It was stated that The club communications van is not presently at the EEOC
There was a call for further old business to come before the club, and none did.
There was a call for new business to come before the club, and none did.
K5JMB moved to adjourn. Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc., was adjourned at 1935.