Minutes of the February 2011 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club met at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 21, 2011 at the Health South conference room.
Vice president David Overton called the meeting to order. President Royce Rainwater was recuperating from minor surgery and was not able to be at the meeting. Overton suggested that the minutes from the January meeting be accepted as posted on the web site. It was seconded, voted on and passed. Treasurer Rick Deaton summarized expenditures and income for the month including the purchase and insurance for the van discussed at the previous meetings. Chuck Johnson made a motion that the report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded, voted on and passed.
Old Business
The hamfest on Saturday, April 2 will be in next issue of QST. There were difficulties with ARRL approving the request and including the event in the hamfest database on the ARRL web site. The event is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Columbus Acres. Tickets are $10 at the door and $8 in advance. FSAARC members receive a discount. Food will be available for purchase on Friday night and Saturday morning. Treasurer Rick Deaton will take early admissions as early as tonight. An updated flyer is being distributed at area hamfests. Jimmie Lowrey made a motion that $2500 be spent on prizes. It was seconded, voted on and passed. The group agreed the club would not purchase prizes specifically for women.
The club purchased a van from KFSM channel 5 for $1,000. (Please see previous club minutes for details.) John Samuels made a motion for the committee to spend $1500 to prepare the van to be used by the club. Expenditures are to include adaptation for equipment and adding the club’s logo to the side. The motion was seconded, voted on and passed. Insurance is paid. There are six club members on the driver list and the committee will take care of maintenance and logistics. If anyone would like to volunteer to assist with van, please let the committee know.
The club currently has 70 paid members. If you have not paid your 2011 dues, please pay at the next meeting or online through the club’s web site.
New Business
Vice President David Overton mentioned that the board of directors is working on changes to standing orders to allow more voting members on the board.
The 2011 Field Day was discussed. It will be June 25 and 26 at Bell Park in Greenwood, Arkansas, the same location as last year. The dinner will be from Al’s Barbecue.
Mike Bell made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded, voted on and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Jim Scott, the club’s Web Master, provided a program about the club’s web site, registration, how to post an article and other pertinent information.