Minutes of the December 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Dec. 17 meeting of the FSAARC
The last meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. for the 2012 calendar year was called to order at 7:04pm Thursday evening Dec. 17th by club president Jimmie Lowrey. Jimmie then brought to the attention of that evenings attendees that the meeting minutes of Oct. and Nov. were on the web and were needed to be voted on to accept those minutes and the motion was voted on and carried.
K5RRD Rick Deaton club treasurer gave the club its monthly finance report with a total amount of 5419.34 in the account and was voted on and accepted.
The floor was then turned over to the repeater committee which gave the information about the 145.410 repeaters location as well as its new PL tone of 88.5 with comments from W5OFN, W5ATW K6CKS as well as KD5WVW. This was followed up with a query about the possibility of linking the 145.410 repeater with the 146.640 machine during a severe weather event to help expand the coverage area. After a lengthy discussion about what it would take to accomplish this there was motion brought up before the group to purchase a $400.00 controller for the 146.640 machine as a back up in the case of damage or failure to the existing controller and was voted on and approved.
The floor was then turned over to the Van committee which explained that the van has new tires at a cost of $888.55 and wheel covers to help protect them from UV Rays at a cost of $11.00 and also mentioned that while relocating the van to the EOC in the Ft. Smith they encountered a blow out on the same side as the exhaust pipe for the generator and that it was damaged and needed repaired. W5ATW did mention that after having the blow out on the vans left rear tire he went to Lowerey brothers and purchased a spare for $65.00 AND THE THAT VAN WAS STILL IN NEED OF A NEW BATTERY.
The floor was then turned over to W5TMC with a short discussion about the Jan. 21st Club Banquet which again will be at Big Jakes Steak House in Van Buren.
The floor was opened for new business with W5OFN explaining how the EOC was wired now for high speed internet and discussed about how he and K5DFO were working out the kinks with the locations where amateur radio equipment was located for easier access during a exercise and or the possibility of a disaster.
The floor was then opened with the discussion about the upcoming Hamfest and how much money was appropriated for the event. There was a discussion about having access to the 6500 square foot storm shelter at Ben Garen Park for a future Hamfest location and it was decided to have the Hamfest Committee investigate the possibility of the new location and bring their findings to the club at a later club meeting.
The floor was then opened for any further business and a motion was made to adjourn
By K5JMB and the motion was carried so the meeting came to a close at 8:13 p.m.