Minutes of the December 2011 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


There was held on the 19th day of December, 2011, a monthly meeting of the membership of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “club”) at the Health South Rehabilitation Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas. K5DFO presided over the meeting, called to order at 1853 local time.
The reading of the minutes of the prior monthly meeting were waived. The treasurer stated that the Club had $8169.00 or more in funds. Upon motion by K5JUD, seconded by W3TZ, the treasurers report was accepted.
A general discussion of the mobile communications van owned by the club took place. Participating in the discussion were W5OFN, W5ATW, W3TZ and others.
W5OFN stated that the move to the new county emergency operations center had begun, but was not complete.
A discussion was had regarding the need for new repeater controller boards: one board to be installed on the 146.64/146.04 repeater, and a second for testing. Upon motion of N5AZQ, seconded by W5CJF, an oral vote on purchase of same was taken. Motion passed without dissent, purchase approved.
A discussion was had regarding how many repeaters, not in service, were available to the club. W5ATW stated that the number was four, in a state of disassembly. It was stated that there is no need for the repeaters to be assembled, as they are modularized.
A wide ranging discussion took place regarding the status of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club linked repeater system. W5ATW states a new gateway may come on the air at McAlester, Oklahoma.
W5OFN stated a weather spotter class would be given on February 4, 2012.
There was a call for further old business to come before the club, and none did. There was a call for new business to come before the club, and none did.
N5JUD asked for an announcement on the club banquet: January 16, 2012 at 1800 local time at Big Jake’s restaurant, Van Buren, AR.
K5YCM gave an update on the health of K5JUC. W5ATW gave an update on the health of KD50EZ. Both are improving.


K5JMB moved to adjourn.  Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amaterur Radio Club, Inc., was adjourned.



W5JAG Edwin G. Dooley, Jr.