Minutes of the April 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
APRIL 18, 2016
The Monthly Meeting of FSAARC was called to order @ 7:00 pm by Jimmie Lowrey, W5JNL.
The Minutes of the March Meeting were published on the Club Website, a Motion to approve them as printed was make by Art Sellers, W3TZ, second was by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX and was approved unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT, we began the Month with a Balance Forward of $2,814.28, Deposits for the Month totaled $4,471.00 for a Total of $7,285.28. The Checks written for the Month came to a Total of $1,707.11, had one Bill outstanding for $37.00 leaving an ending Balance for the Month of $5,541.17. Motion was made by Joe Stokes, K5JPS to approve the Treasurer’s Report, motion was seconded by Randy Baggett, KG5NE, the motion was approved unanimously.
Repeater Committee Report was given by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, he stated that at the present time, we have 3 UHF Repeaters (2 of which have problems) would like to be able to use these to make ONE (1) Good UHF Repeater. Wayne also said that they are trying to keep a Backup Repeater ready for use if needed for the 146.64 Repeater. He also stated that a “Battery Alert Announcement” on the 64 machine to alert if the Electric Power would be out.
Hamfest was a success, it was discussed about possibly using just ONE COLOR of tickets for the Prize Drawing to avoid the appearance of someone just picking one color of ticket. Joe Stokes, K5JPS, stated that at the TESTING at the Hamfest, 10 people passed the Technician Test and 2 passed the General Test.
FSAARC will be having a Picnic on May 21st @ Ben Geren Park, all are invited, everyone has been asked to bring a Food Item to share and also a Drink of your choice.
It was mentioned that FSAARC will be participating in the National Parks On The Air event at Judge Parker’s Courthouse on the 30th of April. Everyone is invited to come out and participate in this Special Event.
David Overton, K5DFO, made a Motion that Mike Cole, W5TMC be appointed to the Position of Trustee for the Club, Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Jeff Ricketts, K5KDX, mentioned that the Club would be participating in the VHF CONTEST the 2nd week of JUNE at Queen Wilhemina State Park, if you are interested in helping out in this Contest, please contact Jeff.
Also was mentioned that FIELD DAY will be the 25-26th of June @ Bell Park in Greenwood.
With no more Business to be discussed, David Overton, K5DFO made a Motion to Adjourn the meeting, which was approved unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted ,
Steve Rutherford, WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary