Minutes of the April 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


There was held on the 16th day of April, 2012, a monthly meeting of the membership of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “club”) at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas. The President, W5JNL, called the meeting to order at 1901 local time, and thereupon presided over the meeting.

Upon motion by W5TMC, seconded by K5KEE, and unanimously approved, the minutes of the preceding monthly meeting were accepted without correction or addition.

The treasurer K5RRD stated that the club had deposited $5594.00 and expended $5937.00 in the preceding month, and that the balance in the club account was $7604.00. Among expenses paid in the preceding month were insurance and new repeater batteries. The club hamfest had 331 paid attendance, and gross profit was $1078.00. Upon motion by K5KDX, seconded by WC5SR, and unanimously approved, the report of the treasurer was accepted.

W5OFN introduced N5XMZ, owner of many repeaters on Mount Magazine, to wit: 53.110 minus 1.7 CTCSS 131.8; 145.350 minus CTCSS 151.4; and 443.250 plus CTCSS 123.0.

W5ATW stated that batteries had been replaced at the club repeater site, estimated to have 15-20 % greater capacity than their predecessors, at a cost of approximately $120.00 each.

W5ATW stated that it is hoped the 444.500 repeater will be on the air soon.

W5ATW stated that the Leflore County EOC is negotiating to place the defunct 442.250 link to the W5IAS repeater system on a tower owned by Leflore County. It was also stated that the former 145.410 Poteau repeater had been donated to Leflore County emergency management.

N5XMZ suggested the possibility of locating the 442.250 link equipment on Magazine Mountain. K5KDX inquired about locating the link equipment on the club tower at Cavanal Hill. W5ATW interposed a lengthy objection to such relocation on the basis of potential degradation of the existing noise floor at the club repeater site, and potential for interference to the club 444.500 repeater, not presently on the air.

K6CKS introduced himself as a new club member and generously offers to make available to the club a General Electric 110 watt repeater with 144 and 220 MHz capability, and associated UHF link equipment. The repeater committee is to meet after the regular meeting to discuss this offer.

AJ5U inquires of the status of the 224.880 MHz repeater, stating he cannot bring it up. Some members say the repeater is working, some state it is not. Status unknown.

Activities chairman W5TMC reported that the second annual club spring picnic and tail gate swap meet will be noon, May 6, 2012, at Pavilion One, Ben Geren Park. The club will supply the hamburgers, but members are to bring a picnic item and their choice of drink. Talk in will be on the 146.640 repeater.

W5TMC also stated that Sparks Hospital requests the club hold a technician license class and that the Hospital will supply the conference room. W5TMC requests assistance with the class. W5ATW states Poteau hospital also wants a class for people unable to drive to Fort Smith. W5JNL asks if the two hospitals can be conferenced together so that only one class need be taught.

A lengthy discussion ensues among W5ATW, W5TMC, W5JAY, K5KEE, N5VMO and others about the merits of various study guides, and the best way to furnish them to class attendees. W5JNL concludes the discussion following a statement by W5TMC that study guides are not a substitute for Elmers, and that Elmers will be needed at the classes if the new hams are to be successful.

W5ATW states that the Club van has had minor repairs made, including fixing a door, minor dents, and some painting at a cost of $400.00. K5RRD stated that the annual budget for the van is now exhausted, but the van is now in good operating condition, and there should be no further cost excepting fuel. Many members have generously donated a variety of equipment to equip the van for its intended purpose.

There was a call for further old business to come before the club, and none did.

There was a call for new business to come before the club, and K5KEE stated that the next ARES/RACES meeting will be held at the new county Emergency Operation Center, formerly the National Guard Armory, at Massard and Zero, at 1900 local, May 10, 2012.

K5JMB moved to adjourn. Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc., was adjourned.

Following the meeting, W5JAY stated he had been selected to beta test the new Ten Tec model 418 100 watt linear amplifier, and gave a brief show and tell of pre production example.

W5JAG Edwin G. Dooley, Jr.