Minutes of the April 2011 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Royce Rainwater
John Samuels provided a report that the 444.5 is down and parts are on the way but the 444.3 repeater is working.
Last meeting it was discussed that Health South requested assistance with setting up a radio station. Royce made arrangements and purchased equipment to supply the station but the amount of coax still needs to be determined to set it up.Wayne Johnson is going to format the machines at the other hospitals. The drill is scheduled for May 17.
Vice President David Overton mentioned that the board will soon work on tweaking the bylaws as discussed at earlier meetings.
Treasurer Rick Deaton reported that the insurance for our equipment on the hill has been paid through May 1 of 2012. After he paid the premium, he received a letter from ARRL recommending a different company.So perhaps we can review the policy for next time.
The Hamfest went well. There were 307 people who attended this year compared to 386 people last year. We also added 6 new members.The DX/Contesting session might be extended to 2 hours. There is also a possibility of having the Delta division convention at our hamfest next year.
New Business
Spring Picnic, May 14
Mike Cole discussed the possibility of having a spring picnic on Saturday, May 14 at 2 p.m. at Ben Garren Park. The club would provide the hamburgers and hot dogs with members bringing side dishes. The regular monthly meeting is still scheduled for the next Monday after the picnic. A vote of members present determined that most everyone was interested in having the picnic. Mike Cole made a motion that the event be scheduled at Ben Garren Park as discussed. It was seconded, voted on and passed.
Field Day, June 24 & 25
Mike Cole reported that the club has the pavilion at Bell Park in Greenwood.Details such as meals and operation stations will be discussed at the next meeting. Mike will look into possible catering options.
Mike Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded, voted on and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.