Standing Rules of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
- Dues
- A vote shall be taken at the September meeting to determine the amount of dues to be charged during the following calendar year. A majority vote will determine.
- [NEW] Members joining the club after June 30 shall pay one half (1/2) of the annual dues for the remaining period of that year only.
- Dues notices shall be mailed with the October Club Bulletin, and payment is due November 1st for the following calendar year. Dues are delinquent after January 1st, and members will be removed from the bulletin mailing list until dues are paid. Delinquent members hall not be permitted to vote, or make or second motions in club meetings.
- Elections
- If ballots are required in an election, they shall be numbered. The Treasurer shall oversee the distribution of ballots to insure that only dues paid members may vote.
- The President shall appoint a teller’s committee to count the vote, and the Chairman of this committee shall present the results of such vote to the President, and if ballots have been used, move that the count be made a part of the minutes and that the ballots be destroyed.
- Removal of Officers and Directors
- If an officer or director has frequent absences from meetings, which render him ineffective in office, and he does not resign, he may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Any member may petition the Board of Directors for removal for cause of any officer or Director. The Board of Directors must vote on such petition in an expeditious manner.
- Nomination of Officers
- The Board of Directors shall procure at least one nominee for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and submit them to the President at the October meeting.
- Nominations from the floor may be made only at the October meeting. The vote at the November meeting will be only on the nominees from the October meeting.
- Duties of Officers
- The President shall preside at all Club meetings. He shall appoint all unelected Chairmen. He shall appoint a Parliamentarian. In the absence of the Secretary, he shall appoint a Temporary Secretary to take minutes. He shall be an ex officio member of all committees.
- The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President and perform such other tasks as would fall on the President at such meetings.
- The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined, but the duties shall remain separate.
- The Secretary shall take minutes of both the regular Club and Board of Directors meetings, shall conduct the general correspondence of both, maintain Club record files, shall have custody of the Corporate Seal, and perform such other duties as may be required of this office.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Be custodian of all funds of this organization.
- Receive all monies and disburse funds only on the sanction the Board of Directors or the membership.
- Demand and receive dues from the membership.
- Transmit net funds expeditiously to ARRL for members renewing ARRL memberships through the Club.
- Submit a full written Treasurer’s Report to the membership each month, to be published in the Bulletin.
- Submit books and records for audit when required.
- Be an ex officio member of the Budget and Finance Committees.
- Submit any tax forms required to be filed for the Club.
- Perform such other duties as may pertain to the Office of Treasurer.
- The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be responsible for direction policy decisions affecting the Club, and shall preside at Board meetings. He may appoint such committees as he may determine to be necessary in carrying out studies and other functions pertaining to the Board of Directors activities.
- Duties of Committee Chairmen
- The Activities Chairman shall:
- attempt to enlist the club to participate in community activities that provide appropriate use of Amateur Radio.
- coordinate Field Day activities, and provide for maintenance of a log of all contacts made, and to confirm to the Secretary any contacts which request a QSL card for such contacts.
- coordinate activities connected with the Annual Picnic and be responsible for such other activities as the President of the membership may require.
- The Bulletin Chairman shall:
- prepare and mail the monthly bulletin to the membership. The bulletin should be in the hands of members before the monthly meeting.
- maintain a mailing list of members and organizations which need to receive the Club bulletin
- provide such other services as required by this committee.
- The Repeater Chairman shall:
- be responsible for the installation and proper operation of Club Repeaters
- advise the membership of any new equipment and supplies needed, and shall work with the Budget and Finance Committee to arrange financing needed
- perform such other duties as apply to this committee.
- Auditing Committee shall
- be responsible for conducting interim audits as requested by the President of the Board of Directors, and conducting annual audits at the end of the fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
- Budget and Finance Chairman shall
- be responsible for the formation of a committee to analyze Club finances, and plan expenditures for the coming fiscal year. All chairmen are to estimate expenditures by their committees for the coming year and provide this information to this committee. In the event of unexpected expenses, the Committee shall devise funding methods to provide financing for such expenses.
- Bylaws Chairman shall:
- maintain record files of all Bylaws and Standing Rules adopted by the Club, and shall transfer such files to his successor; receive proposed Bylaws and Standing Rules changes submitted by members
- The Bylaws Committee shall consider such proposed changes and submit them in good parliamentary order, with the Committee’s recommendation, to the Club for its consideration
- present to the membership such instruction in Parliamentary Procedure as he may deem necessary to maintain discipline in meetings
- work with his committee to determine that Bylaws and Standing Rules are in the best possible parliamentary order, and investigate any changes that may be needed
- at the request of the general membership prepare a revision of the Bylaws when the membership feels such a step to be advisable.
- The Activities Chairman shall:
- The Board of Directors shall define duties of all committees not otherwise set out in the Bylaws or Standing Rules.
- No Club funds shall be paid to any member for any activity on behalf of the Club or its committees.
- All references to persons of the male gender in these Standing Rules shall be interpreted to mean either male or female gender.
- These Standing Rules may be amended without notice by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any regular meeting, or by a majority vote if two (2) weeks notice has been given.