Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club September 2019
The September 2019 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL, Club President.
The Minutes from the August Meeting were published on the Club Website, Jim Darrough KI7AY made the Motion to APPROVE the Minutes as published, seconded by Mike Bell K5LMB, Motion was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
John Annis WO0OOO, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report, we had a Beginning Balance of $5,262.47 and an Ending Balance of $5,267.62. Motion by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, seconded by Chuck Johnson N5JUD, Motion was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
REPEATER COMMITTEE REPORT Rory Bowers advised that Thursday Morning they will be moving the Tulsa Link, he also advised that everything else was OK. Also Baptist Hospital Repeater 146.970, PL 123.0 will be on the air on Tuesday.
The OCTOBER MEETING of the FSAARC will be on 10-12-2019 at Ben Geren Park #12.
INTRODUCTIONS: Everyone introduced themselves
MOTION TO ADJOURN: Mike Bell K5LMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, Motion approved Unanimously.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Secretary.