Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club April 2021
Meeting called to order @ 7:05 pm by Rory Bowers K5CKS, Club President, there were 19 members present, after introductions the Meeting Started.
Previous Meeting Minutes were posted on the Website, Wayne Johnson W5OFN made a Motion to Approve then as posted, motion was Seconded and Approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by John Annis WO0OOO, Club Treasurer. Motion was made by Joel Goldstein W5GOL and Seconded by Wayne Johnson W5OFN and was Approved Unanimously.
Repeater report was presented by Rory Bowers K5CKS discussion on the 146.640 repeater, Rory will be checking out some things there, being no other discussion we moved on.
NEW BUSINESS – Discussion was held about the Club’s Website with a presentation by Ray Armstrong, KI5BYN on possibly upgrading the Website, the COST for the new website would by as follows:
Website Monthly Cost 4.95/month or 59.40 per year
Design & Set-up 60.00 per hour 4-10 hours Maximum of $600.00
Will be Archiving Minutes on the Site, also will have an Education set-up such as You Tube
After Discussion, Joel Goldstein W5GOL made a motion to proceed with the Upgrade, Motion was seconded by Wayne Johnson W5OFN and Approved Unanimously.
Other Discussion was held about the Moderator’s on FaceBook, controlling who makes Posts on it, the HAMFEST and possibly having a TAILGATE Event.
Motion to Adjourn made by Mike Bell K5JMB and was Approved Unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted: Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Sectretary