Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club November 2020
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rory Bowers K5CKS, Club President.
The Minutes of the last meeting were published on the Club Website, Motion was made by W5GOL to approve them as posted, Motion was seconded by KI7AY, Motion was approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was not Presented due to the Club Treasurer being out of pocket, he will post it on the Club Website and we will vote on it in the December Meeting.
The Repeater Committee Report was presented by Rory Bowers, all of the Repeaters are working OK.
OLD BUSINESS: The Drawing for the Prizes that were purchased for the Club Hamfest was discussed.
The Election of Officers for the CLUB was discussed and VOTING WILL BE BY EMAIL.
Motion to Adjourn the Meeting was approved unanimously.
SUBMITTED by Steve Rutherford WC5SR, FSAARC Secretary.