Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club April 2019
The April Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was Called to order at 7:03 pm by Jim Weaver KM5YV, Vice-President.
The Minutes from the March Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Motion made by Jim Darrough KI7AY to approve them as printed, seconded by Erik Willke KG5WOY, Motion was approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by John Annis WO0OOO Club Treasurer as follows:
Beginning Balance $2,825.33
Dues $75.00
HAMFEST Admission Tickets $875.00
Door Prize Tickets $1,355.00
Food Sales $542.00
Donations $100.00
PAID OUT: Tower Rental $43.00
Motion made by Joe Stoke K5JPS to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, Seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY, Motion was approved Unanimously.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN gave the Repeater Report, need to make plans to clean up the Repeater building, we need to Clean-up, Mow, Weed-eat spray for Wasps.
Mike Cole W5TMC gave the Activity Report, we have the PICNIC upcoming on 5-18-2019 @ Ben Geren Park in Pavilion #2 from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the Club will be furnishing the MEAT and everyone else is to provide the Pot-Luck for the rest of the meal.
Randy Pugh AA5OA announced that he is starting a 10 Meter Net on Saturdays at 3:30 pm on 28.350, everyone is invited to participate
Jim Weaver KM5YV stated we will have a Fox Hunt on a Saturday when we have Good Weather.
NEW BUSINESS: The HAMFEST was discussed and the problems with Low Attendance and Low number of Vendors for the HAMFEST. After a long discussion it was discussed forming a Committee to Study what can be done to make the HAMFEST better including Changing the Date, etc.
The Following People Volunteered to serve on this committee: Jim Weaver KM5YV, Jim Darrough KI7AY, John Annis WO0OOO, Steve Rutherford WC5SR and Erik Wilke KG5WOY.
Also discussed was the need to have informative Presentations at our Meetings, we will attempt to see that this is done.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to ADJOURN the meeting, motion was approved Unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary