by Steve Rutherford | Aug 23, 2018 | Club Information, General, Licensing & VEC
Please use the form below to let us know that you are planning on attending an upcoming VEC testing session hosted by the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club. Testing is held on the second Saturday of each even number month in the conference room at the Sebastian County...
by John Annis | May 13, 2017 | Contesting, General, Newsflash
Thank you to all of the volunteers that came out to work our special event station K5T for national train day. While the bands were less than favorable the participants did manage to make a few contacts working on 20 and 40 meters. Despite the poor band conditions,...
by John Annis | Jan 31, 2015 | General
Pre-Registration for the Hanging Judge Hamfest is now open.  You may visit the hamfest website at to preregister now.