Bylaws of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club   ARTICLE I – NAME Section 1. The name of this organization shall be FORT SMITH AREA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.  This organization shall attempt to maintain affiliation with the American Radio Relay League through...

VEC License Testing

The FSAARC runs regular VEC License Testing Sessions on the 2nd Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December. The April Session each year is held at the Hanging Judge Ham Fest. The session commences at 10:00am in the Main Conference Room of the...

Weather Net

Weather Net & Emergency Management Coordinators Position Name Picture Callsign Senior Skywarn Coordinator Wayne Johnson W5OFN Assistant Coordinator Deborah Kee K5KEE Control Operator David Overton K5DFO Control Operator Jim Roughley Control Operator Chuck Johnson...

Local Repeater Information

Club Repeaters FSAARC Repeaters Frequency Offset PL Tone Cavanal Hill (Long Range)* 146.640 – 88.5 Fort Smith Local 146.940 – 88.5 Cavanal Hill 444.500 + 88.5 Liberty, OK 444.300 + 88.5 *WeatherNet Repeater Other Local Repeaters Organization/Site Frequency...